The way through

There is always a way through, you just have to find it.

The most important thing in life is that we don’t despair and give up based on how things appear to be. We never know what the future may hold and what is around the next corner.

If you turn around and look back over your life, you will see that in the end everything changed and led to something new.

When I look back over my life, I could never have planned all the things I did, all the events that happened and all the wonderful people I encountered.

There were times along the way, when I felt stuck, when I thought this is it, this is how my life turned out.  But every time it changed into something new and something different.

Looking back, I can see that when I stopped fighting my reality and focused on appreciating the best of what was around me, I freed myself up to be happy. 

Feeling happier, I would relax to the point where I’d start to have new ideas. I would also be more available to connect with other people while maintaining an open heart and mind. And the better I felt, the more likely it was that something would happen to start my life moving forward again.

When we let go the fight against reality, and believe in the power of life to keep changing and moving forward, we open to the new. 

We got this!

Photo by John Mccann on Unsplash

photo by John Mccann on Unsplash