
Do you ever feel trapped in an aspect of life, wishing you could find a way out?

Each time I felt trapped in some situation;  as an exhausted mother, in a relationship, a job, a friendship, a financial situation, it seemed that it would persist forever.

Now, looking back over my considerable lifespan I see that I was never trapped at all.  Everything is temporary. Realising the fleeting nature of experience is the greatest source of sorrow and the greatest source of freedom.

It brings a sense of urgency to enjoy the good things in life, and to spend as little time as possible focused on the things we don’t enjoy

No matter how our lives are, the one thing we can all be sure of, is that it will change. Sooner or later, it will change.

And that feeling of being trapped?  Well, that comes from thought, and it says nothing about our future or where our lives will lead us.

Have you noticed how the last week in a job you hate, selling the car you were tired off or moving from a house you have outgrown can highlight all the positive aspects you had overlooked and lead to a sense of nostalgia.

If you realize you are trapped in thought, rather than the situation itself, you can shift your focus.   

You see that the situation is temporary, you relax and open to new possibilities.

Act as if it is your last week in the situation, and let your perspective shift by itself!