
My name is Mary Howick and my passion is to help people uncover the best aspects of themselves.

Having spent more almost 30 years in leadership positions within large multi-national financial institutions, I am very familiar with the challenges and stresses of life and how difficult it can seem at times to balance everything, and find the necessary time and energy to actually enjoy our lives and the people that matter most to us.

My life experience has been varied and as a result I have gained a great understanding of all aspects of how we operate and interact as human beings.

In addition to holding senior leadership positions in IT and Human Resources, I am also a a Clarity certified Coach and Workshop facilitator.

After surviving a brush with cancer some years ago, I decided to retire from Corporate life and focus on how to make the most of the incredible gift of life. I spent three years in Uruguay and Mexico working closely with my spiritual teach, Isha Judd to support her students. I then returned to Ireland and trained as a Clarity coach. As a result of these two experiences, I now feel very lucky to live life from a place of clarity having constant access to a source of innate wisdom that guides my life and informs my work with clients.

I really enjoy supporting others to access their own innate wisdom, creativity, resilience, and passion. Beneath the outer mask that people adopt, lies their authentic self which is already connected to the wisdom that powers the universe.

My mission is to lead others into that space of inner clarity beneath the chatter of the mind where they can bring their full potential alive in the world.