Bad moods

Have you noticed that some days everything is wonderful and you can’t put a foot wrong?  And then other days you wonder why you got out of bed.

My theory is that once something goes wrong we let it impact us energetically and our low mood attracts more of the same.   Likewise, when something goes well we respond with a happy mood that attracts more great things to us.

I mean this is obvious – for example if you walk into the workplace with a smile on your face you will attract a very different response from everyone around you than if you storm in complaining about something.

So it seems to me that it is a good idea to start the day by doing something that makes us feel good, whether that is practicing the Isha Judd System, doing yoga, having a leisurely breakfast, going for a walk, or doing anything else that uplifts us.

If we are in the middle of a day that is going wrong, we can break it as soon as we notice what is happening.  All we need to do is realise that we are creating our low mood by how we are seeing things.

We don’t have to change our thoughts.   All we have to do is be aware that our low mood has nothing to do with things that have happened (and are already in the past) or how the rest of our day will go (we never know how the future will be).

The low mood is as a result of one thing only –  our thinking in this moment.
Just being aware of this allows the mind to relax and let go.  And once that happens our natural set point is one of wellbeing.

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